What does Chardonnay GC say about Pellucid's Cognilogic weather service?
Pellucid’s Cognilogic weather service, an industry first (and only), has garnered praise from its subscribers for its ability to provide an easy-to-understand statistical analysis of weather’s impact on facility performance.
Roger Billings, PGA General Manager of Chardonnay Golf Club in Napa, CA told us, “For the past three years, Chardonnay Golf Club has partnered with Pellucid Corp/Edgehill Analytics in subscribing to their Weather Impact Analysis services - Cognilogic. As part of this subscription service, we have been able to receive concrete data relating to the number of Golf Playable Hours per day, adjusted for weather impacts, for our golf course location. The data from this service allows us to generate a more accurate assessment of the facilities “true” rounds capacity on any given day. This data, coupled with the golf course utilization data that we generate through our electronic tee time and point of sale software, has allowed us to better analyze the “true” utilization rate here at the club by day of week, weekly, monthly and annually.”
Billings continues, “This has been very helpful in two key areas in the operation of the club. First, the development of our annual and long term budget projections to golf course ownership by being able to adjust historical financial performance appropriately for weather impacts. Secondly, it has enabled us to better measure the success, or failure, of the variety of sales and marketing strategies we have implemented over the past three years in driving both average greens fee rates and rounds of golf played by giving us a truer measure of course utilization.”
“I would strongly recommend any golf course operator or owner to partner with Pellucid/Edgehill Analytics by subscribing to this service! At just $120 a year, it’s one of the best expenditures we make.”
Subscribing is easy. Click Here. The initial cost is $240, and $120 for each subsequent year. For more information about Cognilogic or other services, please contact Stuart Lindsay at 262-241-7088, or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .