Golf Market Research Center
Golf Market Research Center (GMRC)
Facility comparative period performance tracking and local market benchmarking application
Business application:
The GMRC provides facilities with web-delivered, single source, performance reporting by month, Year-to-Date (YtD) and Year-End (YE) periods for 7 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These "single view" reports provide insights beyond tee sheet or PoS capabilities as well as saving time and effort for operators in analyzing their results. The GMRC insights drive better-informed monthly business decisions on what programs are working, what elements are most influencing performance and, in the future based on participation within each market, how the facility is performing vs. the market or market/peer group (Public Premium, Value or Price) average.
The GMRC is a web portal application meaning any place the facility administrator is connected to the web they can input data and view reports for their facility. Subscribers will have unlimited access on an annual basis to the following four service components:
- Market Profile: 10-dimensional profile of the facility's Designated Marketing Area (DMA) including golfers, golfers/18-hole equivalent (EHE), Supply/demand imbalance, Supply level and mix, Facility-reported rounds, Velocity (rds/EHE) and % Utilization by facility type across 5 Pellucid facility types (Private, Learning & Practice, Pub-Regulation Premium/Value/Price)
- Monthly Trends View - graph/table for the measures of Rounds or Utilization for any months ('18-'21) input into the facility data screen; any individual month, YtD) for that month and YE periods. The GMRC is linked to Pellucid's Cognilogic weather impact system for the weather station assigned to the facility so Capacity Rounds are seamlessly populated which are then used for the % Utilization and Revenue-per-Available Rounds KPIs
- Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Scorecard - Shows Pellucid's 7 KPIs for course performance (Golf Rev., Rounds, Capacity Rounds, Utilization, Revenue-per-Available Round (RevpAR), Revenue per Played Round, % Achieved Green Fee); single page scorecard showing values for any selected month, YTD and YE summarized periods compared to the same period a year ago
- Market/Facility Peer Group Benchmarking Scorecard - When there are enough facilities in the Market (25+) and/or by Pellucid facility type (5+/ea) we will produce the benchmarking scorecard against the average for the above 7 KPIs for the month and YTD periods (subject to participants' sample monthly size and stability)
The GMRC puts market facts, Tee Sheet/PoS summary information and weather impact in one location and in single view reports to give a quick, more robust and actionable picture of facility performance that can be acted upon.
Format & Delivery:
Available as an annual service via subscription. Users will have unlimited access during the subscription period to run the application for their assigned course(s). Although one administrator can be assigned to multiple courses (for multi-course owner/operators), the annual fee is for each active course. Report results in V1 can be copy/pasted to Excel (V2 and beyond will incorporate export-to-Excel functionality) or printed. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, below is an image of the Timeseries view for the Utilization measure for a sample facility:
You can get more information one of two ways:
- Read the 2-page program overview
- Watch the 18 minute webinar (you'll have to register to view, it's not "subscribing" you)
Activation for course assignment and ability to view Market Profile and input data: 1-2 business days
- Annual, unlimited web access license: $500 per course (flat pricing, doesn't matter season length or whether 9 or 18 hole course; multi-course facilities will be priced on sliding scale)
- No multi-course owner/operator volume discount; we priced it affordably and flat rate to keep it simple; if you operate 10 courses and want GMRC for all 10 it's 10 x $500 or $5K
- GMRC is part of the NGCOA SmartBuy program, members get a 10% discount on this product; the discount code will be provided by NGCOA for its members' use
LIMITED TIME OFFER! Charter Member program. To encourage early and broad participation, we're offering a Charter Member program for courses subscribing between 6/1-7/31/21. In addition to the base GMRC offering, Charter Members will also get the following value-added benefits:
- Future lowest price guarantee. If annual price increases occur in the future, the increase may be waived for Charter Members, or there will be a smaller annual increase for Charter Members in recognition of their upfront commitment to the GMRC network
- FREE access to two (2) Pellucid Weather Impact services via the web-portal, an annual $540 value ($360 & $180 respectively). These include, each specific to your facility:
- Cognilogic historical weather impact - the Golf Playable Hours and Capacity Rounds available by day, current month and YTD to compare against your played rounds to determine how much of the variance was due to weather vs. consumer demand or operational practices.
- Foresight weather impact forecasting - the Capacity Rounds forecast for the next 60 days as well as variables which inform our algorithms (translating weather-to-rounds) such as forecast hi/lo temps, precipitation, etc., the year ago values as well as the 10 year norms in table and graph form
- Participation in the Co-op Commercial Model - Charter Members will get direct benefit from the success and expansion of the GMRC in the form of Year Two and beyond annual fee reductions based on the initiative's economics. The GMRC success is “your” success! For example projections only, if the GMRC is successful in recruiting 500 courses in Year One, the Year Two rebate would be an estimated $25-$50 reduction in the annual cost (additive to NGCOA discount).
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