Terms Of Use
The primary purpose of this website and the information contained herein is to provide relevant information about Pellucid's products and services to interested parties. Information contained in this website is the intellectual property of Pellucid Corp. unless otherwise noted and protected by copyright with rights reserved. Quotations not permitted. Material may be reproduced within reasonable business use in evaluating Pellucid's services including sharing with business associates who may have an interest in Pellucid. Reproduction for any other purposes, including commercial use, requires the written consent of Pellucid Corp. in advance of such use.
Pellucid makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site but can not be held liable for the accuracy of all information. Pellucid will make every reasonable effort to correct inaccuracies which we can confirm when notified by E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.