Facility Operations Review and Forecast (FOR)
Business Application
An independent review of the rounds, revenue and profitability performance of the facility and evaluation of current operations and costs. Provides an assessment of maintenance practices and expenses based on the market standards, industry benchmarks and experienced judgment of having reviewed hundreds of facilities across a 20-year span. Identifies both revenue opportunities and expense controls that can be instituted and the 7 year projection of rounds, revenue and profitability based on the unmanaged scenario (no changes adopted) and a reasonable result of recommendations implementation.
Conducted by Edgehill Golf Advisors' principal, Stuart Lindsay, the FOR incorporates a market analysis using Pellucid's GLMA and Weather Impact tools, an in-market analysis and facility visit including interviews with key staff members, a review of the historical P&L, and a dissection of available Point of Sale data (FORE Reservations). Through the combination of these techniques and tools, the final analysis covers the following areas:
- Market health and weather impact and its probable impact on historical facility performance
- Conditioning and operations compared to peer golf courses in the local market (better, same, worse)
- Time study of maintenance practices and recommendations to workflow and/or staffing based on industry benchmarks and professional experience
- Review of historical and current pricing and impact (i.e. how many rates do you have, is it confusing, are we subsidizing groups like residents or seniors too heavily?)
- Review of the strategy and effectiveness of historical promotions (i.e. did they have the desired effect and did they produce Return on Investment) and professional opinion on current programs
- Recommendations on strengths and areas of opportunity to improve revenue and better control expenses where appropriate (i.e. our client usually don't get to their goals through dramatic cost-cutting alone). Clients who have implemented the majority of the recommendations from the FOR have recouped their investment at a 5X ratio in Years 1 and 2.
Adobe .pdf review with commentary and charts/graphs which "tell the story" of current conditions and areas of opportunity for improvement. Excel workbook with financial projections for 7 years forward which incorporate the revenue and cost recommendations of the study and the impact compared to the unmanaged scenario. Includes an initial site visit and report presentation/discussion conference call for invited client parties. May include Voice of Local Golfer survey.
For an abstract of the report and a sample sheet from the projections workbook, register HERE
Within 6 weeks of agreement with client cooperation on scheduling initial site visit and making key staff available
Basic version: $7,000-$10,000
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